Des restrictions à l'accès de nos moyens de transport ont été apportés depuis le déconfinement, nous vous invitons a les consulter et nous vous remercions de bien vouloir les respecter.
Access to vehicles and protection against Covid-19
- The access to coaches will only be through the central door, the front door remains locked.
- The first raw of seats behind the driver as well as the guide's seat have to stay condemned.
- Masks are mandatory on board coaches for driver, children of 5 years old minimum and adults.
- Some hydroalcoholic gel will be available.
Restrictions imposed
- Cleaning of points of contact with a viricidal product will be done after passengers' alight.
- Each evening, vehicles will be fully cleaned and disinfected.
- Drivers will have their own stock of disposable gloves to be changed between each client or disinfectant wipes will be used for luggage handles.
- Air conditioning will be used at low flow.
- A natural ventilation will be put in place, either a window or a roof hatch open to renew the air permanently.
Recommendations from Département des Affaires sociales et de la Santé de Monaco